The Eden Real Touch Rose Bouquet in classic white is a symbol of pure elegance. This bouquet showcases three stunningly realistic roses, each bloom crafted to capture the essence of a natural rose in full bloom. The crisp white petals are complemented by lush green leaves, tied together with a simple yet chic twine. This bouquet offers a touch of serene beauty to any decor, making it an ideal selection for weddings, formal events, or as a timeless accent in your home. With the Eden bouquet, the splendor of fresh roses can be enjoyed year-round without a moment's care.
• Dimensions: 12 Inch
The Eden Real Touch Rose Bouquet in classic white is a symbol of pure elegance. This bouquet showcases three stunningly realistic roses, each bloom crafted to capture the essence of a natural rose in full bloom. The crisp white petals are complemented by lush green leaves, tied together with a simple yet chic twine. This bouquet offers a touch of serene beauty to any decor, making it an ideal selection for weddings, formal events, or as a timeless accent in your home. With the Eden bouquet, the splendor of fresh roses can be enjoyed year-round without a moment's care.
• Dimensions: 12 Inch